Yesterday after a two-day hiatus from school due to illness, I had already forgotten the level of detail necessary to teach well each day. Knowing this makes it easier for me to understand how those who are removed from the every day ups and downs of classroom life can forget easily the intensity and specificity doing a good job in teaching requires.
With my sights set on a brighter day, I'll start by outlining all those details.
Tomorrow begins with prepping for a substitute at the start of the day since I'll be at a morning IEP meeting. Throughout the year educators are required to take part in meetings related to IEP reviews. The meeting are typically quite long, detailed, and targeted towards a child's gains, needed support, and goals. Parents and guardians and all educators related to the child's services attend the meeting.
I also have another student conference planned just before that meeting.
The students will all take a system-wide 5th grade math test. We've worked on part one of the fractions unit for some time, and now it's time to see how children do on their own. The test will provide me with good information with regard to where and how to move next with regard to fractions and problem solving with our current curriculum goals.
I have a special student lunch planned. And during the planning period, I'll work with my grade level colleagues, if possible, to draft our newsletter and discuss a few upcoming events. Then in the afternoon I'll continue reading Harry Potter with my small reading group. After that we'll have a short class meeting, some time to play, and spend about 15 minutes continuing to watch an entertaining movie that models some good (and also not so good) social decision making and friendship topics, Jump In.
After school I hope to review the math tests and make plans about the next steps in math. The focus is set--the day will be a good one!