Saturday, October 10, 2015

Professional Practice Direction

I like to have the long view as I work. I like to know where I'm headed professionally. Of course, you can't know it all since change is a constant in any professional path, but you may define a general direction.

Overall, I'm investing myself right now into math learning and teaching. I'm very interested in cognitive processes and how those processes relate to math learning and teaching. I'm also interested in how we can restructure and shape schools for more holistic, successful and meaningful math teaching and learning.

What does this path look like in terms of study and teaching?

Quality Classroom Teaching and Learning
Purposeful, targeted, and thoughtful daily learning experiences.

Student Assessment, Conversations, and Response
A pattern of regular student review, conferencing, and response to coach students' positive mindsets and optimal effort.

Professional Learning
Learning as much as possible about the topic and applying that learning to regular teaching and revision.

Working with the professional team to teach and learn well.

University Work
Leading and learning math education study and application with university colleagues and students.

Working to advocate  for optimal math teaching and learning at the elementary school level.

I like this sense of direction and focus for my work. There's lots to learn and practice, and this post provides structure for that work. Onward.