Monday, September 07, 2015

Meeting Math Goals: Teaching 2015-2016

Presentation Rubric
My main instructional goal this year is to teach fifth grade mathematics. My mastery goal for the Massachusetts Educational Evaluation System this year is to teach all fifth grade CCSS math standards so that most students reach mastery with every standard.

How will I reach this goal?

Make Goals Explicit
First, I drafted the goal for review with the building principal. I will re-look and revise this goal often. The goal includes the goal statement, action plan, rationale, and evidence.

Action Plan
I will carefully carryout the action plan which includes the following components:
  • Professional Learning
  • Daily Routine and Pattern
  • Math Journals
  • Daily Student/Teacher Presentations
  • Student Critique and Review
  • Active Learning: games, problem solving, projects, contests, coding, creativity. . .
  • Daily home study
  • 24-7 resources online via website and online subscriptions.
I will embed regular informal and formal assessments, both formative and summative, into the math program to inform the instructional path.

Culturally Proficient Teaching
Whenever possible I will include culturally relevant and meaningful numbers, problems, and projects to make the learning accessible, engaging, and empowering.

Regular feedback for all students including the following:
  • 2-3 student presentations a day with feedback.
  • Regular review of student journal pages.
  • Weekly assessment and review.
  • Summative assessments review.
  • Workshop, small group, and individual meetings, conversations, and conferences.
  • Whole class response and comments via weekly newsletter. 
Standards of Mathematical Practice
I'll enlarge and hang up this mini poster that we'll refer to often as we engage in mathematical work each day in class. Also students' presentations will be evaluated with an SMP rubric.

These steps create the initial pathway for teaching the fifth grade math program this year.