Saturday, August 15, 2015

Why Share?

Some would think that I'd get tired of sharing ideas since more times than not, no one in the district responds to my ideas.

I wonder why there's little response, and have come to the following possible conclusions:
  • I share too often, and it's difficult to keep up.
  • Perhaps if there's no response, there's hopes that I will stop sharing or writing. 
  • I repeat. (My ideas evolve and change over time, thus the need to share anew)
  • I share, but in my role I am deemed too "low" to share ideas to those who are above me in status and position.
  • My ideas are outside of the realm of interest to those I share with.
  • I often share to more than one, and no one feels the need or responsibility to respond. (I share to many because often the ideas I'm sharing connect to the work of many.)
Yet, in times past, I would often share on the sidelines and not with as great transparency. Sometimes those ideas became misconstrued, and I didn't like that. At other times, that kind of share was seen as "gossip" rather than questioning, wondering, and new ideas. Hence, I prefer a transparent share--a note or post that outlines what I'm thinking about in writing to all concerned.

For example, for a long time, I've desired change with respect to our learning environment. I've desired new furniture, special spaces, painting, and repairs. I've mentioned that at meetings, with colleagues, and via emails. I've done some of this work on my own with my own time and finances. Other colleagues have used grants to make some changes in this regard. After visiting the Smithsonian's amazing learning and exploration spaces this week, I once again felt the need to express my desire for inspiring learning spaces and resources. Rather than talk on the sidelines and say, "Gee, I wish our spaces looked better or were updated," I wrote a note to leaders asking if that could be a focus in years to come. I've written other similar notes recently about communication patterns, preview of goals and direction, ready tech use, and curriculum design. 

I will continue to share with respect and care if I have an idea that I believe has merit. I'll continue to advocate for greater systems of inclusive, transparent share so we can grow our good work together as an educational community, and I'll strengthen my resolve to listen, observe, question, and understand the learning/teaching context I work in, contribute to, and develop. 

We need to share our good ideas, questions, and thoughts inclusively, respectfully, and regularly to grow the potential our learning/teaching communities hold for teaching children well. And in my opinion, it's best to respond to those who share in ways that help to develop inclusive, collaborative communities. I've been a long time proponent of vital idea systems and share for all organizations. 

Do you share? Do you foster share? What vehicles do you support and integrate that foster vital, proactive, and positive development? Why does this matter to the places where you teach and learn? 

As we discussed the idea of "relational truth" this morning on #satchat, I'm led to continue to believe that communication is the centerpiece of our work and life today, and sharing what we know, who we are, and what we desire is a central element of that effort.