Saturday, August 01, 2015

Choose Deep Professional Learning

The movement towards deep learning is a powerful, enriching movement.

In the best cases, educators will seek out deep professional learning opportunities, and educational leaders and coaches will provide deep learning events as part of professional learning.

Right now, I'm engaged in a deep learning event. It's a powerful and challenging endeavor and I'm learning a lot. What's best about this learning is that it will transfer well to the work I do with and for children.

The attributes of my current deep learning endeavor include the following:
  • A well informed, invested consultant: Leslie Laud from thinkSRSD
  • Lots of vigorous coaching (Leslie is not afraid to challenge and lead to better work--I like that)
  • Coaching via Google hangouts--this has been efficient and time/place friendly.
  • Connections to other interested learners, leaders, and experts.
  • The opportunity to create, analyze, revise, and present.
  • Practice and repetition.
Too often the learning we choose or get is superficial and incomplete. Better teaching and learning profits from deep learning events, and we need to look for and foster those events for our own professional learning as well as student learning. 

I'm charting my learning with Leslie on this SRSD website