Thursday, July 16, 2015

What Metaphor Exemplifies Your Current Work, Life, or Quest?

Godin calls us to find the metaphor that exemplifies our efforts. Greg Richardson's words challenged me to focus on a labyrinth path. The words of Theihard deChardin express that we are spiraling towards greater good. Hence my metaphor is the spiral shell at this time. As I move forward, I want to move deeper. I want my work to weave together the wisdom and example of many as well as the needs and interests of those I serve.

When I arrived at Nantucket Island's Cisco Beach on a cold, bright day in April, I found a spiral shell. A foreshadowing of this metaphor that will lead my learning this year. I will think more on this metaphor in the days ahead. I'm curious too. What is the metaphor you've chosen for your life, work, or quest?