Utilizing the SRSD approach with math problem solving will make that process more successful for educators and students alike.
As I continue to work with Leslie Laud from thinkSRSD, I am recognizing the many ways that students may employ the structures of the SRSD acronyms TIDE and POW as well as mathematical structures, vocabulary, and process to solve multi-step math problems with success.
Repeated problem solving using good strategy helps students develop the critical and creative mathematical thinking mind paths that in apt problem solving in every discipline. And, as much as possible, we want to bring relevance and meaning to this work. So when we can, we should use relevant numbers, problems, and experiences to help students make meaningful connections in ways that are engaging and empowering. That means that your math problem solving will not only include random problems from test prep and math books, but that you'll couple this learning with relevant, meaningful data that relates well to your learning context and students' interests.
I suggest that you create websites to host your student-friendly, context rich efforts and then share that website with the teaching/learning team as a valuable resource. As I work with Leslie, state/system-wide standards, PARCC expectations, and the SRSD approach, I am filling the work on this SRSD: Math Problem Solving website.
While I practice and create, I am reminded of the strength of mind the SRSD approach brings to learning across disciplines. In a sense, and as I always say, it's a "coach yourself" learning approach that will empower you and your students as you continue to learn with success.