Saturday, June 13, 2015

Responding to Godin's Questions

Though Godin's questions are posed for marketeers, I found the questions to be useful for educators as well so I answered the questions below.

WHO are you trying to reach? (If the answer is 'everyone', start over.)
Answer: Students and families.
HOW will they become aware of what you have to offer?
Daily attention, conversation, learning design. Regular newsletters, special events, and outreach. Online resources and websites. 
WHAT story are you telling/living/spreading?
Education empowers. When you learn essential skill, knowledge, and about your own interests, passions, strengths, and challenges, you are able to navigate life with greater success and happiness and that matters. To learn well requires a growth mindset, stamina, play, practice, collaboration, reflection, and coaching.
DOES that story resonate with the worldview these people already have? (What do they believe? What do they want?)
Yes and no. Not all students and families believe that everyone can learn, and not everyone is aware of the power of a growth mindset. Some don't understand the role that practice, engagement, positivity, and empowerment play when it comes to learning well. All want lots of positive, personal attention, response, and care. 
WHERE is the fear that prevents action?
The fear lies more in the ranks of schools and educators because it's frightening for many to try something new and to implement new research right away. Many wait until the new ideas are established. Parents and students are also sometimes afraid of new ideas so you have to substantiate those ideas to gain investment. What prevents action more than fear with regard to students and families is time. Good learning takes time and investment, and many families and students are very busy. 
WHEN do you expect people to take action? If the answer is 'now', what keeps people from saying, 'later'? It's safer that way.
Sharing the good news and showing people why the ideas matter in multiple positive ways brings people in. Also including the voices of all involved in the new activity invites investment, participation, and contribution. Education when done well is a team sport played by educators, students, families, leaders, and community members. 
WHY? What will these people tell their friends?
If the ideas are making children more skilled, reflective, successful, and happy, families, students, and educators will tell their friends what's happening.