I'm waiting to hear about next year's assignment.
It's an arduous wait as I'm ready to get started with the work it takes to plan for and prepare for a great year. I'm keenly aware of the reading, research, writing, and collaboration needed to teach effectively. For the most part this year's program is planned and it's the work I do everyday with students that matters right now so I have some time to ready the supplies, paperwork, and summer study lists/events for next year.
I realize that it takes time to make choices about staff and assignments in systems where numbers and educators are ever changing due to many factors, and hurried decisions could result in less than effective teams and teaching.
No matter where I'm placed my focus next year will be on the classroom and students in my midst. I have a long list of goals I want to reach as I think about classroom resources, pedagogy, and content. Yet I know that good teaching depends on experience with the curriculum, grade-level, and teams, so I'm not hoping for change. I'd like to stay put and work on some of what I've started this year. Although, the decision is out of my hands and the job of others.
Hence, I'll wait and when I hear, I'll be ready for the next step which is revising and acting on the 2015-2016 prep/plan chart.
Positions have been posted for teachers and will be posted for learning community on Monday. Happy to know and pleased with my position :)