Love has been my #oneword journey. The journey went deep and personal fast so I took the blog offline--Love is a mother-word: rich, challenging, and powerpacked.
Today, as I caught up with the posts to reach day #144, I was reminded that love is a way of living, and as an educator it is a way of teaching. The words you use, the actions you exhibit, your advocacy, and the lessons you design are all better if you use loving eyes, words, actions, and aim.
Children demand the very best of us--they desire us to be fully loving and committed to what is best for them. When we think holistically about the children we teach, we can think of how we will deepen and enrich our actions with greater love to better nurture and support each and every child.
Love is often reserved for the personal realms of marriage, church, and family, but truly there is room for love in the places where we work and with the people that we serve.
The best educators teach with love each and every day. So as I continue to reflect on this word throughout my #oneword journey I hope to bring this learning to my home, relationships, environment, and classroom too.