After vacation we'll embark on the new menu of learning. Here are the details:
Science Review
With teams we'll review a large number of science questions in a game show format. It will be a good chance to use our new microphone.
Science Open Response
We'll strategize around writing a good science open response and practice that skill with standards-based content.
Sound Exploration
We'll continue this exploration with research, share, investigation, exploration, building, and sharing.
Using unifix cubes, students will explore volume.
Students will use tangrams to explore and learn about the properties of polygons.
Survey Share and Creation
I'll share students' homework survey results. Students will have the opportunity to create their own surveys. Then they'll survey, organize and analyze the data, and write a report.
Biography Project
Students will continue their research, writing, and presentation work.
Play Rehearsal
Students will study lines, practice, and prepare for the fifth grade play.
Fraction Computation and Problem Solving
Students will continue to study and practice this skill.
Mystery Seeds
Students will plant mystery seeds and chart the seeds growth.
Outdoor Education/Rivers Day
We'll get outside to explore the land, water, animals, and plants.
Now that the weather is better we'll play Capture the Flag and other team building games outdoors.
We'll make plenty of time for reading.
Special Events
There will be time for storytellers, musical performances, field studies, field day, and concerts.
We'll discuss time and focus with regard to Math RTI, consider inviting students to an upcoming PLC to assess the year, and perhaps continue our strategic efforts related to individual students.
Professional Assignments
We'll learn of assignments and get to work preparing for next year's classrooms with regard to writing move-up day letters, completing ordering efforts, updating websites, and studying curriculum objectives.
Professional Learning/Presentations
I'll prepare for the Wayland Institutes and the Summer MTA Conference.
There are always surprises too!