Saturday, December 06, 2014

Hour of Code Learning and Creativity

Our school is participating in the Hour of Code.

Our tech integration specialist is engaging every student in an Hour of Code activity. She's also introducing the whole school to the event at our all school assembly.

Students are excited.

Classrooms are participating too.

I spent the morning yesterday trying to explain a math concept using SCRATCH coding. The experience brought me fully into a coding mindset since I couldn't put the coding down until I reached a an acceptable level of completion. Students helped me by watching the animation, and helping me to debug the code and improve the content.

Later, our class of fifth graders helped our kindergarten buddies learn to code using SCRATCH, Jr.,, SCRATCH and other sites.

Students will continue to use coding in our class to tell stories and make learning concepts come alive. As enrichment they'll use sites like Khan Academy to learn to program.

It's great that so many tech experts have contributed their time, dollars, and creativity to bring attention to the power and promise of learning to code, and it's lots of fun to participate in a world-wide learning event.