You'd think that after 29 years of teaching, I'd have the supply system ready to go, but instead, as the way we teach changes so do the supplies and the supply organization.
A theme in this year's transition from 4th grade whole-class teaching to fifth grade math and science has been the room set up. I'm changing the room daily to better accommodate these eager, social, energetic, and good-sized fifth graders.
Yesterday's deep teaching efforts and observation made me realize that the teamwork spaces are paramount for teaching fifth graders today. I need great stations with supply caddies and plenty of space for group work. Fortunately, I have the tables and supplies--I just need to reorganize to make better work spaces while maintaining an introduction/listening space, a cozy, comfy reading area, and STEAM Center.
Therefore this morning, before the teaching day begins, I'll go in and remake the team areas. I'll create 8-10 work spaces which will accommodate groups of 2-3 and put supplies in each space. I'll also number the areas so when I assign a group to an area, they'll know what I'm talking about.
Developing lots of teamwork in fifth grade is a great match for students' developmental level--they want to be social and its in their best interest to learn to work with and understand the many wonderful children in the class.
This is a positive focus for learning well, and I'm looking forward to develop the effort for optimal learning. Onward.