Thursday, May 08, 2014

Did You Check Twitter?

I often set the stage for the day's learning via Twitter.  The class updates are there for the taking using the hashtag #team15hh. I haven't talked a lot about this to the learning community since the beginning days of school, and actually I have been a bit lapse with it due the fact that I didn't think many were following.

Then today I posted the tweet to the right, and when I came into school I discussed the effort noted on the Tweet with the class.  One boy said, "I already saw that," with confidence.  It was clear that he had started the very good 21st century learning and working habit of checking your emails and tweets at the start of the day so you're ready for the endeavor ahead.  Just the look of confidence in his eyes and his readiness for the task made me realize that the daily tweets are more important than a side note, and that, in fact, these tweets are helping my students develop important skills and routines related to learning preparedness and success.

Do you have a class Twitter stream?  If so, how do your tweets benefit student learning. the learning community, and the overall experience of school?

I'm going to add this practice to the home study routine.