Writing takes center stage for Team 15 these days. What does that mean?
Self Talk
As part of the SRSD approach we've studied the positive power of self talk. I'll model self talk using our WWW W2 H2 mnemonic for writing. Then students will watch Megan's awesome self talk SCRATCH video, and complete self talk self-portraits/talk bubbles. We'll hang those pics around the bulletin board to remind each other about the positive language we can use to promote our best story telling preparation, mindsets, and efforts.
Ready, Set, Go
Ruth Charney's book, Teaching Children to Care, clearly demonstrates that what comes natural to many adults needs to be explicitly taught to students. With that in mind, we'll review writing process preparation, disposition, and action with the words, "Ready, Set, Go!"
What tools and materials do you need to write well?
Hardware/Tools: pencils, pens, paper, tech devices, comfortable place to work. . .
Software/Resources: Google docs, dictionaries, planners, mnemonics, thesauri, mentor texts. . .
What disposition or mindset do you need to write well?
Self talk, strategies, process, time to think, time to plan, talk, imagination. . . .
What will you do to write well?
Writing actions: completing a planner, creating a plan, writing out the mnemonic, writing great leads, writing dialogue, describing, telling a story step-by-step, reading over aloud, reading to a friend, editing, revising. . . .
A whole day to think, draft, write, edit, revise a story
Dialogue Practice
Using a Google story thread, students will share their dialogue craft related to a similar, relevant prompt.
Show Don't Tell
Students will practice writing and acting out "show don't tell" descriptive phrases--a bit of theater for the class.
Continued Craft and Practice
Continuing to use writing process to craft wonderful stories that students choose to tell/write.