Wednesday, February 05, 2014

The Life of Ideas: What I Now Know

New ideas will not be quickly embraced.

New ideas will be met with substantial push back, debate, and demeaning remarks.

The message related to new ideas needs to be repeated multiple times to gain any traction.

Actions speak louder than words, and celebration of new ideas' results will garner the attention and support needed.

Circumventing traditional paths is often the best way to move organizations, efforts, and thought ahead at first.

Rather than frustration and anger, it's best to meet the push back and lack of support as an expected reaction, and a challenge to overcome.

Have confidence in your ideas, but also be ready to modify, enrich, and revise as you reflect upon and listen to the naysayers, critics, and critique.

Keep the mission at the center--what is the ultimate aim of your new idea.

What have I missed in this discussion?