Yes, thank goodness it's Friday. It's been a long and productive week, but I'm ready for the weekend as are my students. They added a lot of minutes to the "recess bank" as they worked through recess many days to complete their culture projects. Also the holiday twinkle is definitely taking hold as I watch children gaze out in a way that tells me that their thoughts are elsewhere thinking about the holiday cheer and celebrations to come.
I typically try to complete a project about two-three days before the deadline, a couple of bright students, sisters Lizzy and Samantha, taught me that many years ago. Their mom had taught them that strategy.
Hence the projects are complete. We'll still do a bit of tweaking on Monday and Tuesday, and then we'll be ready for the celebration including the delicious treats from cultures from around the world.
At the end of next week, I'm sure we'll deduct the minutes from the recess bank for some added fun in the expected snow--hopefully it's sticky enough for snowmen and fort building.
Lastly, after the celebration and just before the winter break, we'll have a few quiet days for story, creativity, and peaceful, happy learning. In the meantime, I'll focus a bit on my own family and the holiday season. Happy Weekend!