Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Better World: Kids Talking to Kids, Join Us

I hope you and your students will join us on November 15th at 10 a.m. EST to share your images and words related to a better world.

My students, Team 15, will host a global share online as part of the Global Education Conference.   I presented and volunteered last year and it was an exciting learning event.  I really enjoyed sharing ideas with educators and students around the globe from the comfort of my den in the early morning hours.

My students and I will work together to plan and prepare for this event.  They'll create a website to lead our efforts.  During the actual presentation, they will simply coordinate student sharing.  I expect that students around the world will tell us their ideas for a better world through pictures, writing and speaking.  Later on, with the use of the website, we'll foster discussion about those ideas.

I hope you and your students will join us.  It will be a great chance for children to learn about and participate in a global conversation from the comfort of their homes or classrooms. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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Project Reflections, 2012
Project Details, 2012
Fostering Global Connections
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