First, a class online schedule and coaching chart helps. Teachers and students can access the charts online to identify the project steps, actions, and next-step feedback. The class document allows all students and educators to stay abreast of the project from multiple view points.
Next, the use of collaborative tools such as Google Presentation allows teachers and students to have an ongoing dialogue with sound or text inside or next to the document. That's more personalized feedback than the class project document.
Finally, the important use of small group or one-to-one real time coaching and edits that encourage students along the project path by providing first hand comments, feedback, questions, and answers leads students forward.
Project BaseLearning (PBL) is no longer meeting a set of criteria and then getting a grade, instead it's an ongoing step-by-step process guided by criteria and coaching until every student and/or team has achieved their best possible work.
After that there's time for reflection and next-step planning as children continue their learning journey.
Research Journey Posts
TEAM Research Project Scope and Sequence
Set the Stage: Room Revision #1
Research Template #2
Substance #3
Just Right Challenge #4
First Edit #5
Revision #6