The self reflection journey continues as I analyze element 1C1, Analysis and Conclusions, of the new MA Teacher Evaluation Rubric. This is a complex element since we all know that there are many ways to look at, analyze, and determine assessment results. Data can be skewed in many, diverse directions depending on purpose and goal. Therefore, how do we effectively analyze data independently and with collegial groups? What systematic processes do we have in place to effectively analyze student assessment data in order to best impact student learning?
First and foremost, educators, schools, and school systems have to determine what it is that they are hoping to achieve when it comes to teaching children well. What are the priorities, and how do you systematically assess and analyze data related to those priorities? In this regard, systems' have to determine which state and local standards are prioritized as well as what goals outside of the learning standards are also priorities, goals such as student engagement, physical fitness, and social/emotional growth.
In the system where I teach, we already have many assessments in place, assessments that do a good job assessing priority skills such as reading, writing, and math. I believe our challenge lies in the area using these assessments to more efficiently and productively inform follow-up, effective learning and teaching strategies, assessments, and programming for students who continually don't meet the goal. What can we do for these students? How can we maximize our collective resources to serve these students well? Where specifically are we "hitting the mark" and where can we do a better job in this regard?
Standard I: Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment. The teacher promotes the learning and growth of all students by providing high quality and coherent instruction, designing and administering authentic and meaningful student assessments, analyzing student performance and growth data, using this data to improve instruction, providing students with constructive feedback on an ongoing basis and continuously refining learning objectives.
Indicator I-C Analysis: Analyzes data from assessments, draws conclusions, and shares them appropriately
Element 1C1; Analysis and Conclusions
Criteria: (from proficient/exemplary descriptors)
Individually and with colleagues draws and models appropriate, actionable analysis and conclusions from a thorough analysis of a wide range of assessment data to improve short- and long- term instruction decisions.
Key Points/Questions:
- Individually and with colleagues draws, models appropriate, actionable analysis. How do you and your colleagues systematically analyze data to best inform effective instruction?
- Wide range of assessment data. Does the data you use represent a wide range, and does that range provide a holistic, helpful student(s) profile?
- Improve short- and long- term instruction. How do you specifically use data to improve short- and long-term instruction?
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Educator Self Evaluation Chart
Current Standard Grade Level Measurements and Analysis (2012-2013 school year)
Earlier Reflections