Thursday, July 09, 2020

Speak up

I shared my thoughts about teaching and learning plans for the fall with school leaders. I encourage all educators and family members to share their ideas. This is not a time to sit back and stay silent, but instead it's a time to strive for win-win solutions to this pandemic problem. Win-win solutions will not compromise anyone, but instead spread out the sacrifices and opportunities to all involved.

We have to use our imaginations at this time--we have to think creatively to come up with a host of win-win solutions that serve all concerned well. We can do this. To suffocate any one group with decisions that don't consider individual's physical and psychological health as well as their capacity and potential is not sufficient. We can do better than this.

I am taking my own words seriously today as I think about how to strive for win-win solutions to the  many limitations the pandemic presents. We can all do this, and this outlook is important for our happy days and good growth going forward.