There's nothing worse than a person who is all words and no action, and as one who is continually sharing my opinions and plans, I have to be mindful of this. I have to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. What does this mean for my life pursuits?
Good relationships
My reading in every area of life points me in the direction of establishing good relationships. The more I learn about what that means, the more I'll be able to foster these mutually beneficial, caring relationships. Yesterday, I wrote a post about this--a post I'll refer to again and again as I work to shore up existing relationships and forge new ones.
Good teaching
I want to teach well. I've spent my life working on that endeavor. I was prompted to write a lot this morning as I heard about teaching plans for the fall--plans that, in my opinion, need some revision in order to foster good teaching. I will continue to focus on this work with daily action once the school year begins.
Personal health
The healthier I am, the less burden and more help I'll be to those I love and care for.
Shared opportunity
I want to work to elevate opportunity for all. What does that mean with regard to action. It means getting educated. That's why I'm engaging with a White Fragility book group--that's helping me to learn. I want to contribute to worthy organizations as I can. I want to support my children's education, relationships, good times, and contribution. I want to be there for my parents. I want to continue to think about not only my own opportunity, but I want to contribute to the opportunities for others as well.
As always, less things, more time.