Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The 2019-2020 Math Year: Learning Experiences, Tools and Focus

I am beginning to craft the 2019-2020 math year including the tools and activities we plan to use. I will update the grade-level math website to reflect specific lessons, tools, and projects. The start of the plan is listed below.

I will continue to update the plan as I study this summer and assess end-of-year metrics to notice areas of strength and areas of challenge. I will combine this study with formal and informal metrics collected throughout the school year. The words from Jose Vilson, a teacher leader, speaker, and math teacher, inspire my efforts:

Overarching Goals

To use the words of Zaretta Hammond in her book, Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain, the goal of the program is to move students from dependency to independent thinkers who do higher order thinking, creative problem solving, and analytical reading and writing. 
  • All Students will deeply believe and exhibit the belief that all students are capable of learning math
  • All students will be introduced to, and use, online and offline math tools to assist their learning
  • All students will learn to persevere and use good strategy on their own and with others. 
  • All students will master the fifth grade standards with strength and depth
  • All students will have opportunities to enrich their learning in meaningful ways via websites, online learning menus, and project work. 
  • All students will understand what it means to work as an effective team member, and students will have many opportunities to develop that skill in a variety of ways. 
The Schedule:
All Year
  • Fidelity to schedule: one hour a day, 60 extra minutes a week (with the exception of days when there are special field studies)
  • Extra help: Monday and Wednesday mornings at 7 a.m.
  • Assessments - create assessment schedule including time and place at start of year with all teachers on the team
  • Learning Menu: Available for student study all year, updated regularly
  • School nights:  20 minutes varies depending on focus
The program roll-out:

We are a Math Team - Number Warm-Up September
  • What is a team? How does a team work well together?
  • How to use a calculator - math team activity
  • Math team t-shirt activity: What's your number? Review of essential math vocabulary.
  • How to use a spread sheet - math team dice game
  • How to work as a team? Revisit. Team Roles?
  • Review of math language; math puzzle team activity - number puzzles
Everyone can learn math - September
  • Jo Boaler math mindset video
  • Math biographies, graphic stories, cartoons. . .Math & Me
  • Math attitude survey, reflection, discussions, activities
  • Goal setting efforts in conjunction with student showcase portfolios
Numerical Expression  - Number Play - September/October
  • Opportunity to review multiples/factors in meaningful ways
  • What are math operations?
  • What is an algorithm? Rubik's cube lesson
  • Introduction to Graspable Math, order of operations
  • Introduction to Marcy Cook Tiles
  • How to use a scale, practice finding mass (science: properties lessons)
Time lines, Number Lines - integrated with Social Studies - September/October
  • A ruler is a number line: How to use rulers? Measuring and making a math mini poster
  • Using and studying rulers related to customary and metric measurement. How are these rulers the same, different? Practice using rulers in meaningful ways.
  • Counting and infinity - How many numbers exist? What is the difference between positive and negative numbers? How many numbers exist between 0 and 1--are these positive or negative? What do we call numbers greater than 0 but less than 1? How do we use numbers like this?
  • Time line: history of planet Earth - why do we use numbers to discuss time, how is that important. Review of addition and subtraction with whole numbers using time line information (social studies integration)
  • Decimal addition and subtraction: Money math and metric measurements related to physical science. 
Where are you? (Math/ STEAM Integration) - October
  • Introduction to coordinate grids: Where is our school, playground, brook. . . .
  • Metric Mapping: Designing a school nature trail
  • Measuring water: water filters
  • Measuring temperature: solar ovens
  • Plotting plant growth: time/growth graph
PlaceValue and Operations with Whole Numbers and Decimals - October - December
  • Practice with numbers that teach about place and the environment
  • What do we know about numbers that will help us with each operation
  • Use a process that includes the following:
    • Open ended problem solving/performance assessment approach
    • Using online tools and paper/pencil practice
Volume Project Based Learning - December

Fractions - January - April break
  • Review fractions with base ten fractions/decimals by creating visual models
  • Review fractions with geometry and measurement review
  • Adding and subtracting fractions models and stories - MA Math Performance Tasks
  • Performance Assessment: Fraction multiplication using the area model
  • Multiplying fractions models and stories
  • Dividing with fractions using models and stories
Review - April - May

MCAS and other assessments - May

Math integrated into project based learning/tech review - May-June