Sunday, June 23, 2019

Chart your study for greater gain

As I study this summer, I'm aware of the importance of charting your study. First, by focusing in on your study with good charting, you better hold on to the learning and more able to embed the learning into your teaching in the year ahead.

What does apt charting include?
  1. Choose study options such as courses, books, online follows, conferences, and more that fit your central questions with regard to your teaching/learning development.
  2. Prior to reading or engaging with the learning event, pose your questions and what you hope to get out of the learning--that focuses your learning.
  3. As you read, research, or interact with the event, synthesize learning by writing or making mini posters that demonstrate how you will use the knowledge to develop your teaching/learning program in positive ways. Also pose new questions that arise so that you may focus on those questions as the study continues. 
  4. At the end of the study, go back to the resources you use and update those resources with new information. 
  5. During summer or when schools starts, share the new learning with colleagues and students in positive ways. 
This approach ensures that you embed worthy, new learning into your teaching practice in meaningful, helpful ways. This ensures that you don't lose the good ideas, and by having a good log on personal or public blog, that information becomes easy to share as part of your evaluation evidence, during collegial meetings, or as you advocate for new or better procedures, materials, and support in your school community.