Monday, June 10, 2019

Be nice?

Some just want it to be nice, simple, peaceful, and calm. And when that doesn't happen, they want to blame someone or something for the disruption.

The reality is that life is sometimes nice, simple, peaceful, and calm, and sometimes it is disruptive and challenging. The landscape of life varies--there are valleys, plateaus, hills, and mountains.

When challenge occurs, I like to dissect it, figure it out, unravel, and get to the bottom of it. What happened? Why? And how can we make it better? I like the forensics related to problem solving because when that investigation is done well, typically a diamond of a resolve appears--new light that leads to betterment, a kind of betterment that elevates individuals, their lives, and learning.

Some resist the forensics stage. They just want to make it better--slide over the problem hoping it will go away. We all deal with problems at times like this--we may not have the time or energy to deal with every problem deeply.

Sadly, on the national level, we have a president who simply turns to lies, exaggeration, blame, shame, and quick fixes rather than deeply thinking about problems with the best and brightest experts available. When you do that, you simply deepen the problems that exist and make more problems. It's not a good way to solve problems.

It's good to be nice, but it's better to dig deeply and solve problems when they exist. It's best to do this with a respectful and kind attitude, a collaborative attitude with a positive problem solving mindset.

Problems will happen again and again, and we can see those problems as opportunity for positive change. This is the mantra we must teach ourselves as we respectfully move step-by-step ahead in life. Onward.