Saturday, May 18, 2019

To Alleviate Suffering

About ten years ago, I was suffering.

I placed my issue on an Internet search with specific words. I was directed to amazing people, posts, and information that put me on a path to alleviating that suffering. That path, while not easy, has been tremendously powerful in my life and has alleviated that point of suffering.

We all suffer from time to time, and it's in our best interest to discover how we can alleviate that suffering for ourselves, and later, for others who share similar challenges.

As I think of those in my midst who suffer, these are points worth considering:
  • No one is without suffering
  • The degree of suffering may differ
  • Like no other time, the Internet gives us ready access to people and information that may help to alleviate suffering
  • We must actively work to find meaning in our suffering and paths to either alleviate that suffering or to live gracefully with it if that is the only path available
  • Suffering, if dealt with well, can be a great teacher
  • Suffering sometimes acts as a cleanser, wiping clear traits or attitudes that are harmful to your live and impact on others
  • We need to be compassionate to ourselves with regard to our suffering
  • We need to reach out to others for help when we suffer with the knowledge that suffering is a human condition, everyone suffers.
  • To suffer is not a sign of weakness, it is simply something that happens to us, and something that makes us better if we let it.
  • If we have what others need at times of suffering, we must offer that solace or solution to them. If we do not have what they need, we can offer our love, compassion, and understanding.