Monday, May 06, 2019

Filter Water: STEAM Survival Series

Students are engaging in a number of STEAM explorations related to survival. Friday and today students walked through the woods and collected sand, charcoal, rocks, and murky brook water. Later they tested the water, then created water filters to filter the water. Many were amazed with how clean their water became after filtered through sand, rocks, charcoal, coffee filters, and fabric. Students viewed a number of videos that supported their water filter design, and worked as teams to create the filters and use them to clean the water.

Tomorrow we'll continue this STEAM series by making plant packets as one way to jumpstart planting and growing our own food. Onward.

We hiked along the brook that borders our school's playground.

Students collected murky water, stones, sand, and charcoal.

They created filters and filtered the muddy, murky water into clean water.