Saturday, April 06, 2019

Take the work you are committed to seriously

Survey a week of your time and see where you spend most of your minutes. That will say a lot about who you are and what you love to do. We all tend to lean in the direction of our interests, and we need to take those interests seriously if they are interests that positively add to our lives and the lives of others.

As I take that survey, I recognize that I lean in the following directions:

  • Time with loved ones usually related to shared meals at home or elsewhere or adventures in nature.
  • Time to read, write, research, and create
  • Time to teach
  • Time to collaborate around teaching and learning
  • Time to explore and adventure
  • Time to read books and watch great movies
Those are the areas of life, I enjoy the most. To make time for these activities brings meaning to me. Yet, I'm glad that so many that I spend time with engage in other activities as their stories, activities, and events enrich my life in ways that are different than where I spend my time. 

You are what you do, and making time to do what is most meaningful to you matters.