When my family travels, we typically leave room for error. That means we arrive at the airport early and leave some time for unexpected events. The same is true for the curriculum program. As I plan to meet deadlines related to the program, I typically leave room for error--time to make up for children who may be ill, unexpected events, and more. I try to do that with paying bills too--I typically try to pay when the money is there to avoid problems later on. Leaving room for error helps you to achieve your goals well. Yet there will be errors that you don't plan for--unexpected error that you cannot foresee and that happens to all of us.
For example a simple or rushed calculation may result in an error in preparing food, paying bills, or calculating expenses. Rushing to put a date and time on a calendar may result in an error that makes you late or worse, results in missing an important meeting or event. Error happens and while we have to prepare with room for error, we also have to accept that errors happen even when people are well intentioned and doing their best.
When it comes to natural, unintentional error like this, we have to focus on how to avoid errors like this in the future. Rather than continued focus on the error itself, we should be looking at how to avoid that error later on.
Educators deal with error all the time. In the rushed culture that is a school, and the focus of our work which is apt development of children, error is a regular part of our culture and helping one another deal with that error in positive ways is important.