Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Choose your teams

None of us can be all or do all, but we can lift our impact by joining teams that matter.

We can join positive family teams with regard to our personal efforts and alliances. We can befriend positive people and positive families to elevate our experience of life. To join with good people is to uplift our own experience of living.

We can join churches or community organizations that do good work, and get involved in that good work.

We can choose jobs and professions that move towards betterment.

We can support candidates for public office who want to alleviate suffering and better lives for all people.

We can join committees at work, our local unions, and professional organizations that uplift our impact in ways that matter.

The teams we join tell a lot about who we are. We typically can't meet our vision for betterment on our own, but instead we have to unite with others to move in that direction.