Monday, March 04, 2019

Political Action and Speak

We must elect officials who display all attributes of good character not just one or two. Those great leaders live and work  amongst us. We can do better. 
To teach well, we have to be politically active. This is true because unless some societal supports and issues are given the proper attention and support, we will be unable to do our work well. Our work relies on good politicking and governmental supports. To teach well, we need the following:

  • safe, welcoming teaching/learning environments
  • adequate resources and materials
  • time for professional learning and collegial share/development
  • top-notch modern systems to support the good work possible
  • children who have good nutrition, health care (including dental care), and loving, safe, supportive homes
  • adequate funds to provide children with their basic needs as well as time to play, places to read/learn (libraries/schools), and opportunities for healthy recreation and activity.
As I think about this, I am convinced that a country that establishes a basic foundation of adequate funds, support, and good living for every member of the community is a country that will be strong for all. 

As our nation grows, we have to support leaders and initiatives that bring about the best that we can be as individuals and a community. We can't stay satisfied with underfunding health care, nutrition, safe, suitable homes, and peaceful communities. We can do a lot more to elevate our country in ways that matter.

As a teacher, I know that I need to be politically active and outspoken to support positive living for all today and into the future. We have to hold all Americans to high standards of civil discourse, respect for one another, peaceful positive action, and contribution to optimal communities. We have to choose leaders who will lead the way with good character, intelligence, collaboration, and positive vision.

We don't have to stay satisfied with sub-par leaders, leaders who display only a fraction of the character traits, intelligence, vision, and collaborative skill possible. We need to reach out to, elect, and support the best and brightest amongst us to lead our country forward. We can do better and we must all work for that end in the ways we can.