Saturday, March 16, 2019

Information: Weapon or Advantage

Do some people use information as a weapon? Do they hold information back to deceive others or gain advantage over others? When information is used this way, it obstructs the good development possible for organizations.

In the best organizations, information is used to advantage the organization. Most information is widely shared to help organizational members work with best possible unison and collective aim--good information share and transparency saves time and creates greater capacity.

We try to create a positive learning community by sharing what's happened, what will happen, and what is happening now. We invite student, family, and collegial input and questions. This creates a sense of team and this team creates a rich learning community for children.

Information is a powerful tool for bettering the work we do, yet in this age of information overload, we have to think carefully about how we make information accessible to all in ways that's not overwhelming, but accessible and positive. This is the challenge for leaders at every level.

Of course there is information that is very private and has to be secured so people's reputations or personal concerns are not revealed or tarnished. There are many rules to follow in this realm, but in general, this is not the issue when it comes to needed information share and transparency. I want to think about this issue more as our team continues to work to build a strong, valuable learning community of colleagues, family members, and students.