My students need the following:
- continued engaging learning experiences, expert visitors, field studies, and special events. These activities are engaging, create a dynamic learning community, and educate children well.
- targeted, personal supports. All the children learn differently, and the more we can offer targeted, personal supports when needed, the greater success and confidence each child will experience.
- positive, collaborative, supportive learning community of educators, students, families, leaders, and community members--the more we work together to foster optimal teaching and learning for the children, the better our programs will be.
- deep, meaningful, timely, and research-based learning experiences. When learning eperiences are the result of good learning, apt materials, inviting spaces, and optimal student teaching/coaching, the better those learning experiences will be.
- positive, respectful, open minded relationships that invite respectful debate, diversity, and time for positive collaboration.
- taking a personal interest in every child and their family.
- collegial support--together we can do so much for students.
Continued attention to these efforts will spell success in the school house. These are critical priorities.