Friday, February 08, 2019

Five years later. . .

An idea I forwarded about five years ago occurred this year. I am grateful that the idea finally took hold. It's been a positive change for the very reasons I forwarded the idea so long ago, an idea that was met with disdain when first shared.

The tables that have made teaching and learning so much better in my classroom were requested about five years ago too. After year-after-year no's and lack of support, I finally found an avenue and funder.

The challenge is having ideas that take five years to gain a foothold. Why the long wait? Why couldn't my research, advocacy, and ideas be met with open minds, support, and positivity at the initial stages.

I realize that this is the painful birthing process for any good idea--good ideas typically take time, but that knowledge doesn't make the wait any less tiresome and frustrating. Onward.