Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Value of Big Picture Share

We make a mistake when we don't share the big picture with those we serve and lead. When we ruminate on the day-to-day issues and expectations without reminding the team about the big picture, we lose capacity.

I always tell the story of my husband's former leader and now governor of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker, who kept the team motivated with his weekly letters. Essentially he kept the big picture of what's important at the forefront of his leadership. This fostered a strong, invested work force.

As I worked on the "big picture" of the math program today, I realized a lot about important program elements--elements that I've mapped out so that I have the time to teach well. I thought about how I'll communicate those elements to the students, their families, and my colleagues so that the opportunity is there for good teaching and learning in the days to come.

I believe that all people profit from getting the long view as well as needed daily imperatives. When the big picture share is missing, we have less of a chance of reaching the potential possible.