Monday, January 07, 2019

Picking up the Pieces: A New Day

The teaching days vary from those exceptionally terrific days to the most challenging days and every day in between. There's so much that happens in a school, and there's lots of desire to do it just right too each and every day.

Today was challenged by pushback and disrespect--it happens, and every time I experience that kind of belittling behavior, it upsets me. Fortunately in the past few months, there's been far less of that dehumanizing behavior in my midst and I've enjoyed teaching more than ever. I just have to remember to steer clear of those who see teachers more as robots than people, some only view educators as those who carry out their orders rather than dedicated professionals and collaborators who come to school each day to teach children well.

So I get back up after being pushed down, I am renewing my focus to do the work to engage, empower, and educate my students well. They are generally happy, engaged, and enthusiastic about the multiple teaching/learning events my colleagues and I are able to forward day after day. Tomorrow we'll dig into the traditional algorithm of division with lots of step-by-step practice. It's not my favorite lesson, but one I have to do. I'll do what I can to make it positive. We'll also continue reading our books and focus on problem solving too. Students will hand in their volume projects/study and receive their geometry review packet which is due next week. Step-by-step, day-by-day, I'll do what I can to teach well and make a point of teaming with those good, positive, uplifting, and dedicated educators, families, and students that surround me. Onward.