The days ahead are busy days.
The children in school are excited with vacation on the horizon. My own children are headed home for the holidays. Other family members will join us too and we'll join others as well at their homes for holiday festivities. There's much to be grateful for and much to do which begs the question: What's most important?
In school we've planned a special, engaging science event that we know students will enjoy. Students will also spend time writing goodbye-thank you letters to our wonderful student teacher. We'll complete a class film, read a lot, attend specials, finish science crossword puzzles, and possibly read to the kindergarten buddies. Most of all I want to take a step back in the two school days ahead to pay closer attention to each child's needs, stories, and interests--it's a good two days to build relationships and care for those I teach with extra attention prior to the break.
There's a bit of preparation to do for the return to school too so that I can mostly put school aside during the holiday break to focus on family and some bigger education interests such as reading Timeless Learning.
At home, there are still some gifts to wrap, cookies to make, cleaning to do , and meals to prepare for the celebrations ahead. Onward.