Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Win Some; Lose Some

On many fronts in my life these days there are contests. In some of those contests, the ideas, values, and people I support are winning, and in some of those contests the ideas, values, and the people I support are losing. We win some, and we lose some. What does that say about our advocacy past, present, and future?

Overall I think we have to keep pushing forward with an open mind and open ears--we have to carefully create our agendas, refine our ideas, and enrich our values with consideration of those we support and those we don't support.

For example, on the political front, I can't imagine why people support Trumpian politicians. His nasty speak, self-serving policies, and seemingly criminal behavior makes him a distasteful and negative leader to me, yet many still support him. This doesn't make sense to me. I will continue to speak out about the negativity and danger he promotes.

On the school front, I have similar confusion. As a fan of holistic, inclusive processes, I want to see more teacher leadership and a more flattened hierarchy. I also want us to adopt more modern processes for decision making and systematic development and change. There has been some change in this regard, but I believe the change will be better if we begin to think about the questions we ask, the vision we create and support, how we spend our time, and the processes we use to make good change.

As part of a grade-level team at school, I'll continue to work with my colleagues to build our teaching/learning program. Currently we're focused on the family-student-teacher conferences--these conferences put students at the center of their learning with the opportunity to express what makes them happy and who they are. The conferences also provide children with an opportunity to present signature study efforts and their goals for the future. The more we engage with this conference process that includes student showcase portfolios, data sheets, and a time for family members, teachers, and the student to meet face-to-face to discuss the child's teaching/learning program, the more I believe in the merit this practice holds.

Also, as part of this wonderful grade-level team, we are working continuously to develop our teaching/learning program in ways that matter. Ongoing efforts include the following:
  • Deepening and enriching the core math, reading, and writing programs
  • Developing our knowledge and ability to lead robust, hands-on, interdisciplinary social studies and science learning experiences
  • Reading, researching, and embedding brain-friendly teaching/learning schedules that maximize what we can do with and for students.
As part of our local union board, I am working to elevate teacher respect, leadership, and the conditions that enable us to teach and learn well. I am particularly interested in the following efforts:
  • More inclusive, modern decision making processes that consider the needs, knowledge, and opinions of all stakeholders.
  • An inclusive, modern vision setting process that includes all stakeholders to provide an enriching, beneficial long term teaching/learning path for the school system.
  • Utilizing funds with a long term vision, so that funds are not wasted on short term fixes instead of invested in long term vision that supports all students well.
  • Making sure that teachers have the spaces, supports, materials, and professional learning they need to continue to do a top-notch job in the system.
  • Reducing and eliminating supports that are not supportive or beneficial, and replacing those supports with better structures and supports, the kind that truly elevate what we can do to teach children well. 
  • Fair wages so educators can focus on the job of teaching well without the need to have a second job. 
As I think ahead, I am committed to using my energy to support those structures, people, processes, and purchases that promote a robust teaching/learning program--the kind of program where students, families, and educators thrive. 

I'm fortunate to work in a dynamic teaching/learning community--a community with invested community members, families, educators, students, and administrators. I value this and will continue to work towards maximizing this positive reality in the ways I've outlined above.