Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Next Steps: The Practice Goal

A good goal motivates good work. Today, I revisited my practice goal with the students telling them the rationale for my goal, what we had done together so far with regard to the goal, and the next steps planned. Next steps include new practice folders, a new practice folder response sheet, and a student reflection sheet.

Students heard me and responded. I'll continue my Tuesday night practice review sessions, email follow-ups for students who do not complete the work, before school extra help, and other kinds of extra help for students who need help to complete their practice or who are having trouble organizing their time to complete needed practice.

I also signed up to lead a math conversation about the merits of practice when it comes to math learning as well as what good math practice looks like. I want to hear what other math teachers have to say about that as well as share my experiences.

Further I wrote parents a summary email about the efforts to date to enlist their support and help as well.

I really like this year's goal. I enjoy working to meet this worthy pursuit, and I'll continue to chart my efforts along the way.