Thursday, September 20, 2018

Nuts and Bolts: The Weekly Routine

This acts as a framework, but of course, when needed the schedule changes.
It's integral to establish a weekly routine when it comes to teaching and learning. The routine helps to set up parameters for healthy living and good teaching. What should you include in that routine?

The routine needs to include the following:
  • Teaching/Learning experiences with and for children--this will take up the majority of your time in school.
  • Extra support for students. Setting aside some time for this is helpful to students and the program overall.
  • Collegial meetings. Everyone is busy so if you can fit in a few team meetings a week to support collaboration, that's positive. Fortunately at our school we have two weekly meetings built in for this. One is a Professional Learning Community meeting (PLC) and another is a Student Service Meeting (SSM).
  • Room set-up, prep, xeroxing, and other details of learning experience design and implementation. Generally I do this work before and after school as well as during planning periods. 
  • Communication: responding to emails and other administrative tasks. I find that this work is best done before school or after hours in the quiet of my home where I can concentrate. 
  • Reflection, research, reading, and professional learning/share: a regular diet of learning makes teaching much more meaningful and successful. I generally do this before and after school as well as on the weekends. 
  • Committee work: I generally set aside one afternoon a week for this.
  • Student feedback: I set aside one block a week after school to do the lion's share of this work each week. I generally do this throughout the school day in a number of ways at home where I have a better opportunity to concentrate as I review students' written, online learning, and assessment efforts. 
Of course you need to fit in self-care, family/friend needs/time, and some fun too. Teaching makes for a busy life, but giving that busyness some parameters and structure can help you to make good decisions and do your work well.