Thursday, June 21, 2018

Fifth Grade Memories

Students were clearly moved today as the reality sunk in that today was the second to last day of their elementary school years. These children have been nurtured well in the school and there's a bit of trepidation and a lot of excitement about their transition to the Middle School next year.

Parents worked tirelessly to complete wonderful Memory Books, very nice bright picture/word-filled books that help children look back on their elementary school years. Students were proud to receive a handshake from the principal, teachers and assistants today. Then they spent quite some time reading and autographing each other's books. They also received their Jr. River Ranger badges, and it was clear that they felt they earned those badges after their river studies and especially because they knew their work to clean up the path to the river was work well done and a positive contribution to the community.

Tomorrow will be a playful day when students have the chance to keep reading their Memory Books, playing sports with friends, dancing to music, and completing some arts and crafts activities. There will be a slideshow and ultimately a clap-out to celebrate the children's fine tenure at our school. It's hard to believe a year has passed, and soon it will be time to rest-up and catch-up in the days ahead.