Sunday, February 04, 2018

How the World Works

We all know a bit about how the world works.

We know that some have more power than others, yet we know this is relative too. Money often spells power simply because you readily get what you want in short time with money. Without money, everything takes longer. Yet too much money has the potential to blind you as to what's important and what other people experience. Truly living in the mainstream is a power of its own, it's a power of knowledge and respect that is an important power.

We know that beliefs and philosophies differ greatly amongst people. There are people who will kill themselves and others in the belief of a cause either worldly or otherworldly. Most don't subscribe to that kind of barbaric and primitive belief--most believe in uplifting the welfare of one another and working peacefully and honestly to live well.

I do think that differing philosophies are at play with some of our most important and troubling differences on Earth. Those who believe in survival of the fittest which I suspect includes our current POTUS will do whatever they can to rise to the top--their efforts are to serve self and to rise up with money, power, material goods, land, and water. These survivalists are concerned in only their livelihood and show little regard if any at all for others. We need laws and regulations to curtail the efforts of people like this as their unrelenting will to be on top decreases opportunity and good living for so many more.

There are those like me that do imagine we can be a peaceful world that aims for good living for all. This good living won't be same living and there will still be problems, but I think we have what it takes to forward a good world so that everyone has an opportunity to live well, and I would describe that living well as living with good supports such as health care, education, nice homes, clean water, clean air, clean soil, healthy foods, opportunity for fun and recreation, and the chance to live in safe places without fear of harm or violence. I think that good living also includes contribution and development of your best skills, talents, and abilities to help one another and build strong, loving, and dynamic communities. I do believe this is possible and we see this kind of living being played out in countries with the best quality of living across the globe.

The world is also ever evolving which means that we have to evolve in our reactions and responses to the world's changes too. Everyone knows that we're increasingly dependent on one another across the globe, and that reality matters a lot in the ways we teach children and develop ourselves too. We have to be much more respectful, collaborative, and considerate to live well in the world today, and we have to strike out against the grabbers, those that grab for only themselves, their communities, their countries, again the survivalists as I've named them. People who live with the survival of the fittest mentality.

We know our lives are limited by what seems like a very short amount of years given the vastness of our imagination, potential, and dreams. Everyday we lose amazing people who have made life better for us, and every day new amazing individuals are born. We don't know where the future leaders will arise from. Who would have suspected that Barack Obama would have become POTUS--such a wonderful event of our times that a young man could rise up from a somewhat average circumstance to be a respected leader across the globe. That's awesome.

Also, fear has too much power in our world. People's fear is the reason that so many troubles occur. I think Trump is President because of people's fear. They were afraid of change, and instead of learning about world changes, they chose a President who represented backvision, a leader for a world that no longer exists. They found comfort in his roaring, sexist, patriarchal tough speak--it's the bad dad some may have experienced and even though "dad" was tough, he was still dad. Is this why this seemingly selfish man is now President? I think it could be true in part.

Every day we have to fight against our fear, so that good can outpace bad. When I face my prejudices and fear, I have to say to myself, "This prejudice is born out of images I've seen and words I've heard not out of truth or real experience." So much of our prejudicial selves are born out of the fear and misunderstanding of those who raised us or lived in our communities or made movies and spoke on television. We have to unteach ourselves the mistruths of our times to get rid of the fear that many of us inherited along with the prejudice that was handed to us too.

Mostly, I think, the world works well. There are many more good people than those who are greedy, selfish, and hurtful to others. Most are reaching for what is right and good and attempting to live better for themselves and others, mostly those they love.

How does the world work? We probably all have a different way of describing this, and for now this is what I have to say. I welcome your debate and ideas as I think about this more.