Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Math Practice, Precision and Proficiency

Great game for facts and divisibility rules practice. 
Similar to the laps that swimmers swim to prep for races, students will be completing lots of exercises this week in math to build their fact skill and knowledge of divisibility rules. I set up a learning menu to follow, and teachers will support students' practice in ways that matter. Sometimes it is important to take a week to shore up basic skills before moving into a new unit of study, and that's what we are doing this week.

To introduce the menu today, I'll start with a review of Illuminations terrific Factor Game. It's easy to access and a good way to boost basic skills related to the upcoming division unit. We'll use a brackets system to play so winners play winners and losers play losers similar to a wrestling tournament. I like this system as everyone is always playing and they are playing students who are good matches for them.

I also made a simple divisibility rules quiz on Google Forms that is easy to use and gives students practice with the divisibility vocabulary as well as the rules.

We're finally fully back into the math teaching and learning after the December illness that hit our school, the holidays, and the days off due to snowy weather. We revisited classroom protocols, changed seats, and started the new math year in earnest yesterday. Onward.