The theme this week is to be more intentional with words, action, and attitude.
What does that mean this week?
First, it means that I'll have a lot of one-to-one conversations with students who need to catch up on homework, assessments, and more. It's progress report time, and I want to take a look at students' results as I input the progress reports checks.
This also means that I'll be intentional with the way I introduce the weekly science lab. I want to be clear and I want to prepare all the needed materials.
And, I'll be intentional as I introduce the new math unit. Students and I will discuss what we can do to make this a successful unit of teaching and learning, then we'll begin working on the study together.
Further during team meetings I'll focus on listening to the perspectives of the many colleagues I work with--colleagues who contribute significant time, expertise, and care into the work they do each day.
At the MTA TPL meeting, I'll also do a lot of listening since the MTA team that leads this work has been very, very busy with countless quality professional learning events. I am interested in what they have to say, and how I can help out in the months ahead.
There's a special family event too where the focus will be to celebrate accomplishment and teamwork.
If challenges occur, I want to listen and respond after good thought as I don't want challenges to get in the way of the good work and events planned. Onward.