Thursday, December 14, 2017

Focus Group: Considering Multiple Ideas and Perspectives

The superintendent sent educators a survey, and today I'll meet with a group of teachers to review the results of those surveys. I expect that I may have the following reactions, challenges, and opportunities during the meeting.

Broader Perspective
It will be nice to get a broad perspective of what matters to educators in the system where I teach. I wonder what trends we'll see across schools and grades.

I have strong opinions about school life, and I suspect that at least a few of the comments I'll review will make me sensitive. I'll wonder about why some make comments that are so different than the way I see it. This is when I'll remind myself that our strength is in our diversity, and an open mind is essential to the continued development of a strong and successful school system.

Whenever educators get together to review and discuss issues, there's a lot to say. At these times it's often more important to listen than to speak, and to hear what the view points and analyses shared.

I'm sure there will be points that I can take away right away as I work to improve my craft. I look forward to that inspiration and motivation.

I'm happy that the superintendent reached out to hear what educators in the system are thinking about and what matters to us. This is a positive step when it comes to building an inclusive, positive teaching/learning community. Onward.