Thursday, October 05, 2017

More Reflections About The Las Vegas Shooting

I continue to ache for the many families who are in pain because of the Las Vegas shooting. I know lone wolves like the shooter exist in our world, and I know that there are so many places for these people to hide as they build upon and act out their demented fantasies. Anyone with any imagination knows that incredible violence as well as incredible good is possible, and the question remains, how do we forward good over evil in our society--what is it that we have to do?

As many suggest, it is important to speak up when you notice potential trouble. As the old adage says, better safe than sorry. As citizens, we do need to be alert and outspoken when trouble is suspected.

Next we have to think about where we devote our time and money. Many spend time and money in places and on activities that don't forward the public or personal good. We all have to think about our actions, and how what we do contributes to positive or not-so-positive endeavor.

Further, we have to work with leaders close to home to forward positive laws and policies for our communities. I do believe in very strict gun laws and regulations. For example, I do think that the numbers and types of guns purchased for each individual should be recorded and monitored. I also don't think it should be legal to sell assault refiles and other weapons of war. And I think that to purchase guns should involve "gun training" and heavy taxation. In addition, we have to find ways to keep lethal weapons out of the hands of mentally ill people, and provide better services to help those with mental illness.

Stronger, more positive communities will support greater safety, but not eliminate these acts of violence--acts that frighten us and tear at the fabric of good communities. Better laws and policies, greater focus on how we spend our time/money, good use of research, and efforts to bolster our local communities are ways to help devastating problems like this one.