Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Math Growth and Development

Last year about 92% earned state SGP scores of more than 50% while 8% had less than 50% growth. I am happy with these scores, and I am now looking at ways to continue the good growth and improve the areas where there was less growth.

What worked and what could be better?

The main ingredient to success was substantial numbers of invested and skilled family members and educators who supported students learning in deep and effective ways over many years. We had a lot of skilled support when it came to teaching our students last year and in years past. Those supportive and skilled individuals worked tirelessly with students with countless strategies to develop their skill, concept, and knowledge.

Another factor that led to successful growth was the use of good tech. We mainly utilized Symphony Math, That Quiz, Khan Academy, Google Apps and a few other games to develop student skills. Students who completed all of the grade level exercises on Khan Academy demonstrated substantial growth and overall terrific scores. At-home tech access also can be connected to good growth.

Factors that were connected to less growth included unexpected and expected struggles, and the lack of concerted, repetitious, and meaningful ways to deeply explore what was happening with students who struggled a lot--some students really struggle with learning, and those students require lots of skilled, targeted teaching and learning. When programs are too choppy and students are less known by educators, then success appears to wane.

As I move forward this year, I hope to continue the use of substantial skilled support, differentiated assignments, increased parent contact/communication, and multi-modal teaching/learning efforts. As for new efforts, I'll use the mini math booklet as a resource for families/students, offer extra help/coaching sessions, and advocate for more consistent and less choppy programs for some students. I'll also continue to advocate for Khan Academy which was an important took for success, and a tool that has been recently banned in our system. I will also continue the practice of lots of targeted teaching in a wide variety of ways.

Every year classes differ and so does success or lack of success on standardized tests. Substantial student support, time-on-task, and targeted, differentiated teaching and learning are elements that lead to success. We're on our way.