Sunday, June 04, 2017

Crunch Time: Move Forward with Positivity

There's a large pile of tests to correct, progress reports to mark, conference forms to fill out, cum cards to complete, and move-up letters/supply lists/summer study letters to write, edit, and copy. There's also quite a few field studies, special events, and projects to complete. Further there's Father's Day, family events, and a special graduation to celebrate. And there are thirteen days left. What's a teacher to do?

These are the days when housework, fancy meals, home projects, yard work, and events other than those listed above, are put on hold while I make a tight schedule to complete all the efforts above with good humor, accuracy, care, and good thought. This is what the end of semesters and school years are like all over the world--it's a busy, celebratory, exciting, and energy-filling/energy-zapping time.

I have some great colleagues who are good examples of how to navigate busy times of the year--they simply plow through with a smile on their face and prioritizing with ease. I'll follow their lead.

As always, what's most important is that positivity. The deep, forward-moving teaching has been completed. Strategy employed. Now it's time to use what we know collectively to complete the year with graceful, thoughtful effort and attention.
