Monday, March 20, 2017

School Changes, New Challenges

Over the years there have been countless challenges in the school house, lately, however, the positive challenges outweigh the negative challenges.

In the past, I longed for one-to-one computers for students, and now we have those. This makes a substantial difference with regard to what we can to do serve each child well.

In the past, I longed for greater collaboration and a shared teaching model--we have that model now and it presents a wonderful, positive potential and challenge with regard to teaching well. There is so much strength to the model.

In the past, I hoped that we could help students who did not have access to tech at home, and we are now beginning to provide that access.

There's still longing for a few items, policies, but for the most part, the challenge now lies with me--I am challenged to shore up a number of teaching/learning actions by embedding new research, learning, and possibility to help students more and better.

This is a good place to be, a place I have hoped for and now have a chance to engage with.