Monday, February 13, 2017

Less Words, More Action

As a thinker, writer, and analyst, I am living in a sea of words. Yet, as a teacher, it's imperative that those words that lead me are also translated into action--action that makes a difference with regard to student learning and experience of school.

As I think about this, I write a list yet again--a list that will lead my work:

Student/Family Service List
  • Consider offering a homework club after school one day a week for interested students. I will work to employ this after February vacation. I will probably offer Thursday afternoons from 3-4:30.
  • Consider supporting the current homework club with time. I will check in with the moderator in this regard. 
  • Make a greater effort to help students with organizational issues and routines with structured homework/organizational support times each week. I hope that these students will take advantage of the Thursday homework club. I will also work to support these students during the block from 9:45-10:15 on Mondays.
  • Call home more to offer support, hear questions, and share information. Organize phone information and think about best times to call home on a regular basis. Make this part of the weekly routine. I will set up a more accessible call-home space. Now that we have new phones that work well, I'll be able to do this. Thursday is also a good call-home day.
  • Think about ways to develop the RTI programs and differentiate the core to support students more. My team and I are continually working on this, it's a natural part of our PLC and other collegial efforts. 
  • Work with colleagues to help students attain the supplies they need to learn well in school and at home. We typically order these supplies in the spring and will continue to do this. 
  • Make the classroom a "home away from home," a place where students feel welcome. We've employed a number of efforts in this regard and students do feel comfortable in the classrooms. 
  • Offer extra help in school more often. Perhaps set aside Wednesday lunch for this on a weekly basis. 
  • Work to build and maintain strong, positive teaching/learning relationships with every child. Slow down, listen, and pay attention to students' words and affect, respond lovingly and kindly with support.